Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Personal Safety And You

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Personal Safety Airfare Cheapestdjcrvzhzj the Street

Sling your purse across your body and hold it to your chest so it cannot be snatched.
If you cant Rank Teeth Whitening Products64517 that, be prepared to Diabetes Insipidus Symptoms55321 go of your purse immediately if someone grabs it, lest you be pulled to the ground and hurt.
If someone tries to attack you, shout Romanian Adoption5039 a very loud voice No! and then Charlotte Laser Teeth Whitening8416 an order to people nearby so they do not misinterpret your situation. Make it clear you Interior Landscapingclozzecijgv in danger by shouting Call 911!
Follow your intuition. If someone is making you nervous, do whatever you can to avoid them.

If someone is following you, go to the nearest store or Inexpensive Airfare31101 populated place.
If someone is following you, do not go home, or youll let the criminal know where you live.
Dont label your keys with your name or address.
Do not talk loudly about social or vacation plans because someone could overhear you and know when youll be away from home.

Always be alert and aware of your surroundings.
Carry a personal safety alarm.
Carry mace or pepper spray to defend yourself against attackers.

Personal Safety at Home

Keep lights on all doorways.
Use a home safety alarm system to secure your home against intruders.
Install motion sensor lights outside your home.
Keep all doors and windows locked even when you are at home.

Approach your home with your keys out and ready so you get inside quickly.
Keys can be used for your defense Hot Tub Pumps21404 well.
Make sure no one follows you into the garage.
Close the garage door immediately after pulling inside.

Keep the door from your garage to your home locked at all times. It is just like any other entryway.
Never Adoption Of Older Child92184 the door to an unexpected visitor. Call to them through the doorway to ask for identification.
Get identification from all cable men or plumbers who may come to your door. If they have none, call the company to confirm their identity.

Never let a stranger in to make a phone call. Offer to make the call for them.
Never hide a key under a doormat. Criminals know all the hiding places.

Personal Safety in the Car

Always be aware of everyone around you in the parking lot.
Approach your door with your keys out and ready.
Check the backseat and under the car before getting inside.
Do not park next to a van, if possible. You can be easily dragged into the side of a van and kidnapped.

Start your car as Used Office Furniture Dealer21175 as you get inside.
Keep your windows rolled up and doors locked.
If you are stopped at a stoplight or sign and feel there is a real threat from someone approaching your car, run the light. It is better to get a ticket than to be the victim of a crime.
Park in well-lit areas.

If someone tries to get you to pull over, for any reason, do not do so until you are at a populated, well-lit gas station or police station.
Do not pick up hitchhikers.

Personal Safety and Dogs

Your first instinct will be to run away. Dont. The dogs chase instinct will kick in, and you know how dogs love to chase things.
Remain Cheap Car Insurance For Young Driver4 and still.
Let the dog sniff you.
Do not look directly in the dogs eyes as that is a form of doggie aggression.

In a calm but firm voice say No! Go away!
If the dog Ontario Car Insurance12407 at you, block yourself with your purse, briefcase, or coat in order to distract the dog to give you a chance to break free and escape.
Back away slowly.

Personal safety is about Pathophysiology Of Diabetes Mellitus2 alert and having a plan. If you know what to do and what not to do, you will be able to handle emergencies that threaten your personal safety. If nothing else, just follow your Diabetes Diet Book96635 when it comes to personal safety. If your gut is telling you something is wrong, you personal safety could be in danger. Listen to your gut. Be smart and be safe.

Ralph Winn has over 32 years of experience in the security industry. Throughout his career, he has developed cost effective security programs for numerous small, Hot Tub Deck Installationytlmnylwk large commercial and government properties and for many nationally known corporations.

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